Summer is officially festival season and there are plenty of family-friendly festivals around to enjoy! We want to share our top tips for first-timers hitting the festival scene with a baby in tow…

  1. Choose the right tent

If you are planning on sleeping over at the festival, then space is essential when you have little ones! If you have the space in your car and the right budget, we recommend a tent that has at least one separate sleeping compartment from the ‘living’ area. This means you will be able to zip away your mess during the day and be able to jump straight into bed after a day full of festival fun.

  1. Sleeping essentials

It can become really cold at night if you are camping at the festival, so ensure you pack something cosy for you all to sleep in, as well as warm blankets and pillows too. Bring a tarpaulin for the ground inside your tent. This will prevent cold coming from the ground at night. We also recommend using a portable cot that is on feet and elevated from the ground for your baby’s comfort.

  1. Buggy or back?

Family-friendly festival sites should include hard paths to make it easier for buggies to get around. However, if you are unlucky with the weather, you could still end up stuck in the mud! Plan ahead and ensure you have your baby-wearing gear packed too!

  1. Stay safe in the sun

We all know the British summertime can be unpredictable, but make sure you plan ahead for hot weather. There may not be many shady spots at the festival for you to take cover, so remember to pack your sun cream, sun hats and sunglasses. If you have a pop-up beach tent, take it along! These are perfect for the little ones to take shelter from the sun and picnic on, while you are listening to your favourite bands.

  1. Protect little ears

If you are concerned about your baby or toddler being exposed to a lot of loud music, we would advise you to invest in a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. They come in a variety of bright colours and can help your child feel more settled in a noisy environment.

  1. Nappies & potties

Pack plenty of nappies and wipes and find out where the baby change facilities are in advance, so you can head straight there in an emergency! If your little ones are potty trained then take your own potty or toddler toilet seat with you. No one likes a Portaloo and if they have long queues, you don’t want to get caught short!